Sir Snackalot (Big Fat Liar)

Welcome to Sir Snackalot. It is my intention to talk about issues which interest fat people or formerly (temporarily thinner?) fat people.

Nothing is off limits, for most of us it is a day to day battle, come read and share and lets all enrich our lives.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Never Being Full, do you know what i mean?

I do not know when I am full. I always try to imagine what it means. Today went to lunch with a thin friend , we will call him Horatio (for no other reason than it is an excuse to use a cool name). So I ordered a salad with dressing on the side. I was good, I did not eat the bread they brought to the table. Horatio did not eat bread either. He ordered a Coke and I had water. He had side salad and 1/2 steak/Cheese Sandwich and Fries.

I ate my salad, except for croutons and did not think about the portion size or leaving some on the plate. Horatio (I am beginning to like that name) ate the 1/2 sandwich , most of the salad, but left almost all of the fries (they were home made good ones, not crappy frozen ones). Until, the waiter took the plate away I stared at them, feeling that it was such a waste, so sad for that poor potato. Mostly, i willed myself not to take one. I asked Horatio, why he did not eat them. "I was full" he said. "That is preposterous" I countered. Horatio, laughed and told me he was really full. "What does that feel like"?I asked. He gave me a look like I had asked a very stupid question. However, for me it is not stupid, because i have never been full. I wonder if any of you have the same experience. I understand the concept intellectually, but often need to pretend to my self that I am full or remind myself to leave food on the plate. Oh to be like Horatio, well except for that silly name he has.


  1. Being full is an art - well, stuffing yourself until you wish to lob it all clear across the room is effective, but to eat well and feel full can be a challenge. Currently on Weight Watchers Momentum program, they count whole grains, proteins, fruits and veg and milk products as "filling foods". I have been going on this and it does work. Salads are nothing but air and essentially useless. I find that vegetables such as jicama, squash, kale, etc. make me feel full. I also trick myself by eating sour foods such as pickles - they satisfy me, and make me feel full.

  2. I often confuse thirst with hunger. Sometimes, all I really crave is a glass of water, but eat a cookie instead. :-(

  3. it's great that you're making good choices... however much you crave the bad stuff. It makes me feel powerful to do that. yeah... I know... I'm a control freak at heart i guess. But I've always been told that you're supposed to eat really slowly for your stomach to recognize that full feeling. And yes, a large glass of water does help. I've never been on Weight Watchers and don't really understand their point system, but I do try to be careful with what I eat... can't honestly say a pickle has ever done anything for me!
