Sir Snackalot (Big Fat Liar)

Welcome to Sir Snackalot. It is my intention to talk about issues which interest fat people or formerly (temporarily thinner?) fat people.

Nothing is off limits, for most of us it is a day to day battle, come read and share and lets all enrich our lives.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Always Hungry

I ate breakfast at 10 am, I had a an egg with onions and zucchini and chicken breast. Now it is 12:20 pm I am all ready thinking of food, what should I eat. I will try to drink some tea and hold off on food for another hour or so and then maybe eat a salad. Wow, this gets no easier!


  1. Like you, Robert, i've always been large (or big boned as i like to call it,tho as my brother said how many fat skeletons do you see!) but as the years have gone on so have the pounds. I am really struggling now to lose it and try to make myself feel better - a big fat liar - by saying men still find me attractive, but then men never say no so who am i kidding! Support would be great from anyone out there. Sue

  2. Good for you my brother. I wish I was better at being inspired by you than I am. I was a skinny kid but I shore ain't skinny no more!

  3. You are an inspiration ;-)
    Have you checked out
    keep track of everything: workouts, food, nutrition, water, balancing it all. . . and gives you a grade for how you're doing.

  4. Thank you I use, similar deal. Thank you for kind comments
